Friday, September 18, 2009

September 18

Today I am going to start crafts for Halloween. I start them now so you have time to finish them before you need them... I start them every year early and never finish them in time, ever... This year I plan on beginning now so I have time to finish them... I have two ideas, One fun, and one scary... I plan on using these two themes for the entire month of decorating...Choose the one you prefer, and run with it.....
  • Fun Craft - Vampire pots - Buy plastic flower pots, paint them blackor green, paint simple vampire faces or frankenstien faces on them. Spray the pot with acrylic clear paint. Fill with soil, and plant grass seed, or chives or any long green plant. Use your imagination and use your ideas for this one... You could paint ghosts or witchs or anything you like....
  • Scary Craft - Spider eggs - Blow up several balloons to different sizes. Mix 5 parts of white glue with 1 part of water, mix well, dip either gauze or spider webs ( buy them at any store, they are really cheap, don't use the colored ones, they bleed everywhere) in the mixture and wrap around the balloons.. Set the balloons on a cup with ends dripping down into the cup..(tyed end down) You may need to wrap the ballooon several times.. Let dry, pop balloon, use fishing string to hang. Add fake spiders everywhere, use hot glue ot affix them. Tie a few pieces of fishing string to the bottom of your egg and hang spiders from them...

These are both very inexpensive ideas. Both ideas take a little time but are well worth it... I will show pictures of them in a day or two when I finish the projects....

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much, Cheryl. My walls would be bare without your help!
