Friday, June 12, 2009

Iam starting think this blog may be a complete waste of time!!!! I am beginning think No one is reading it!!!! I really love Holidays and was hoping others did tooo! I haven't had any comments and only one follower ( Thank you Rachael, I really do thank you) and my count has not changed in quite awhile.... I guess I will continue for a little longer in hopes of something-- anything... If you have suggetions please, please tell me so I know what to change to make this blog better....


  1. Im soooooo sad u are feeling down about ur blog. U were so excited about starting it and now ur not getting ne love :0( Ill show some love to u.....and by the way when r u going to come over and help me decorate my place?

  2. All you have to do is call, if Iam not busy I will happily come over..Thank you by the way for reading and being a follower!!!!
