Monday, February 24, 2014


I am so sorry! I just realized that I have misspelled the word Mardigras on my blog. During a search for more ideas I noticed auto correct was spelling it maudi gras .  Sometimes I think I am a bit to reliable on the spelling on my phone. I never even notice the mistakes. Once again my apologies.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Happy Maudi gras!!!!

Laissez les bons temps rouler "let the good times roll"
Happy Maudi gras. Hope everyone has a wonderful time and I hope you get lots of beads. The legal way of course. 
You can use all the beads to decorate with next year. Good luck untangling them though.  I have tried a hundred different ways to keep them separated but they always end up a mess.
See you again for St patricks day.
Happy Maudi gras!